PROGRAM UPDATE: As of July 1, 2024, there is no longer a requirement for participants to take an 8-hour class. First-time participants can take the 4-hour class and repeat every three years to qualify for the discount.
Lasagna gardening, also known as sheet mulching, is a unique gardening technique that involves constructing garden beds by layering organic materials. While it may not be suitable for everyone, it offers a range of benefits, including the elimination of digging. Join us for a discussion on how to create a lasagna garden, exploring both its advantages and potential drawbacks. We'll also briefly touch on the European hugelkultur method and compare it to lasagna gardening. All experience levels are welcome and all supplies are included in the class fee.
Heather Novak is passionate about being balanced and living joyfully in all parts of her life. She is a wife and a teacher, a mother of three and a community health educator. She loves to eat pie, swim long distances, hang with her family, battle weeds in her garden or disappear into a good book. If she is not doing one of those things, you will find her in her kitchen making something delicious!
Heather Novak